
Provide a smaller alternative with great design and adaptability.

MINOT Designed Carts

This is our most adaptable retail solution. The size is much reduced and the mobility of the unit unmatchable.

We provide carts in different sizes and formats:

- Push-cart

- Bicycle cart

- Large stationary cart, including seating solutions.

Different shapes are available for the bigger carts such as classical wagons.The bicycle cart for example is very versatile and can be mobile throughout the same day and serve customers wherever they are, with quality standards maintained.

The carts are ideal for museums, train stations or city centres; all locations with a high volume of people.  All our retail solutions are branded and certified. Being adequate for public locations, they are ideal to entertain customers and bring them a new experience. Considering the constant success we encountered at MINOT throughout the years, we are confident that our quality products will satisfy most appetites!

Most important points:

  • Mobile
  • Low investment
  • Low commitment
  • Versatile
  • Entertaining 
  • Charming

Our carts